Friday, March 14, 2008

When Your Breasts Are Not In Symmetry:

Well, there’s nothing much you can do for asymmetrical breasts except blame your genes.

Asymmetry in breast size usually involves a difference in breast size or breast shape or both these factors. Breast growth starts after the first menstruation and can continue for about four years.

After adolescence, the only major changes in breast size are brought about due to pregnancy or menopause. Your first concern about a difference in breast size in the intervening years should always be about breast cancer.

However, if the doctor does not find any traces of breast cancer then asymmetry in breast size could be because of fluctuation in estrogen levels, the female hormone controlling breast size.

Asymmetry can be ignored in some cases where the difference is not noticeable but in certain women, there can be cause for some discomfort. In this case you can have a breast symmetry correction surgery via a breast augmentation surgery or a breast reduction surgery depending on your need.

Cosmetic surgery to correct asymmetry in breasts is resolutely the better option as compared to wearing certain types of garments or creams that promise a lot and deliver less. Visit the Plastic Surgery Institute of California for more information on this particular type of breast surgery.

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