Sunday, March 23, 2008

Living Life To The Fullest With Cosmetic Breast Surgery:

If there was one word to describe Natasha Woods, it would be exuberant. But for a woman with a heart as large as hers, Natasha would need a lot more words to describe her and they still wouldn’t do her spirit justice!

The actress and comedienne is a victim of Spinal Muscular Atrophy, a disease which inhibits the signals from the brain to the muscles. Being bound to a wheelchair has not kept this lovely lady from having breast implants and the occasional Botox shot though.

Oh yes, you heard that right, but before you pass her off as just another fluffy actress, I have to mention that Natasha Woods’ breast augmentation was carried out for reconstructive purposes. The Botox was just something she wanted.

Natasha’s breasts were asymmetrical and she found much relief when a very prominent breast implant manufacturer stepped in and helped her out. Her new breasts are sources of much pride for her and an example of the cheerful resilience that is so characteristic of her.

At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California, an advanced surgical institute situated in prime Californian spots like Orange County, LA and Beverly Hills, cosmetic surgeons perform reconstructive breast surgery procedures.

We recognize and salute the spirit of individuals like Natasha Woods, who prefer making their lives better anyway they can rather than watching it go by from the side-lines.

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