Monday, March 31, 2008

Breast Surgery In A Surgeon’s Office – Is It Safe?:

The sad demise of the Florida teenager has left many professional plastic surgeons and the medical authorities locked in a debate over the suitability of performing certain plastic surgery procedures in the surgeon’s office.

Plastic surgery boards like the ASPS maintain that a plastic surgery procedure can be performed in an office setting safely and efficiently. In 2003, the official ASPS journal published a study which reviewed plastic surgery performed on 5,316 patients and found less than one percent suffering from complications.

However, the ASPS also exhorts surgeons to conduct an exhaustive preoperative medical examination of the patient and evaluate his/her suitability for such a cosmetic procedure. According to the ASPS, such precautions help plastic surgeons “identify conditions that may predispose the patient to intraoperative and postoperative complications”.

While Florida’s Board of Medicine is in sync with these views, researchers maintain otherwise. A major elective surgery procedure like breast augmentation or breast reduction can be performed on an outpatient basis, but requires meticulous patient health scanning on part of the doctor.

As a patient, it is tremendously important that you furnish your plastic surgeon Pasadena with a complete medical history of your family as well as your own. The joy of getting an enhanced body can be greatly magnified when the precautions taken against complications pay off.

Visit the advanced surgical institute for cosmetic correction, the Plastic Surgery Institute of California for quality help and advice on breast enhancement.

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