Thursday, March 20, 2008

Breast Surgery Complications Can Happen To A-listers Too:

I came across a hilarious list the other day documenting the ten worst celebrity breast augmentations. The unlucky starlets and models and wannabe’s needless to say, had pretty some pretty bad work performed on them by their plastic surgeons, whoever they may be.

The boob jobs listed featured the usual suspects of botched breast surgery operations and breast implant complications. One of the more common conditions, nipple flattening, can be observed in Pamela Anderson’s modified breast shots. Top plastic surgeons can remedy this condition with a nipple reconstruction procedure.

A list like this cannot do without Victoria Beckham, who has been notoriously rapped for her rigidly standing out breasts. This is one issue which a plastic surgeon has to avoid at the earliest. Lack of adequate breast tissue to cover the breasts is a requirement that cannot be ignored.

And then there’s the absolutely gorgeous Christina Aguilera whose breast augmentation had the ripple-effect which is known to be the result of the implant shifting.

Plastic surgery procedures like breast reduction and breast augmentation are major operations and require the patient to understand the procedures thoroughly.

Plastic surgeons at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California understand the risks and complications involved in breast surgery operations and make it a point to inform the patient first-hand about them before diagnosing them for surgery.

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