Thursday, February 21, 2008

Selecting The Right Breast Size:

Thirty four patients who have a breast augmentation re-operation do so just because they want to change the size of their breast implants; they usually end up getting bigger ones.

The breast size always involves some amount of confusion for a woman, with a lot of women wearing the wrong bra most often then not. Therefore, it is important to choose the right implant size before having a breast augmentation surgery.

Traditionally, breast implants are measured in cubic centimeters or cc, which denote the volume of the implant, not the length, height or width. There are three breast implant profiles, high, moderate and low – depending upon how much the shell projects from the chest wall.

The breast implants that are currently available come in a teardrop shape and a round shape. The teardrop breast implant is prone to rotating itself if there is rigorous movement on the breast area. The round breast implant shape is the preferred shape for most women as it gives a uniform appearance and appears more voluminous.

One important factor to remember is that breast implants are always bigger when held against the body. Once inserted, they are actually twenty percent smaller. Surgeons generally gauge the desired breast size by asking patients to place different sized implants in a bra.

A woman’s height and weight, the distance between the collar bone and her nipple and the ribcage size are all supplementary factors that help a plastic surgeon assess the breast implant size. You can visit the Plastic Surgery Institute of California for more information about breast implants and breast augmentation procedures.

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