Friday, February 29, 2008

After Conquering The Breast Cancer Devil:

A mastectomy or a lumpectomy is a harrowing experience in itself for women who have been victims of cancer. It is impossible to emerge unscathed from a struggle with breast cancer. The psychological and physical ramifications last long after the surgery.

One way surgeons have devised to get women back to a semblance of their pre-cancer life is a breast reconstruction plastic surgery. The main aim of a breast reconstruction is to use the patient’s own body tissues to construct a new breast. Plastic surgeons achieve this using fat deposits, muscle tissue and skin from the abdomen, buttock or the thigh regions.

Some cases of breast reconstruction plastic surgery require the use of synthetic material like breast implants to build the breast tissue. Using a combination of implants and inherent tissues is not uncommon for a breast reconstruction surgery.

The reconstructive surgery can be either performed during the cancer surgery or it can be performed after the patient has recovered sufficiently. Most surgeons prefer a breast reconstruction procedure during a cancer surgery.

The newly reconstructed breasts will be different from the old breasts and more than one procedure is often necessary before a more natural looking form can be achieved. Sensation in the breast area will also change after a breast reconstruction.

The battle against cancer is not easy and banishing it completely can be more difficult. You can visit the Plastic Surgery Institute of California for honest consultation and advice.

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