A couple of days back I had expressed my dismay at Alicia Douvall’s sad influence on her 13 year-old daughter Georgia. The kid wanted a breast augmentation Los Angeles for her 13th birthday just because she wanted to emulate her plastic surgery crazy mother!
Another instance I came across of a mother influencing her daughter’s self-image was in an article on Tampabay.com. A grandmother was expressing her concern for her 6 year-old grandchild’s mental well-being due to the mother constantly fussing about her figure and post-tummy tuck body.
Similarly, British television celebrity Melinda Messenger seems to have been affected by her parent’s split when she was a child; enough so that her own marriage is on a rocky road today. Reports say that the one-time Mother of the Year (2003) may be the one to blame for the marriage failing due to her need to be a perfect mom.
Motherhood is a tremendous responsibility thrust upon a woman’s shoulders and while a number of them carry the burden gracefully, there are always some that do nothing short of a bad job. It would do to pay attention to what Fugen Neziroglu, the psychologist who advised the grandmother mentioned above, has to say about this issue.
If you have had a breast augmentation Newport Beach or a Mommy Makeovers Beverly Hills, it would be prudent to talk to your child and emphasize that the surgery was not done because you hated your body. It is crucial that you explain sensitive issues like body enhancement to your child or she may have a tough job accepting herself when she grows up.
Visit our advanced surgical institute, the Plastic Surgery Institute of California for further advice.
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