Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Corrective Vs. Cosmetic Breast Surgery:

This is one debate that seems destined to meet with a dead end every time the subject is broached. Arizona State senators face a similar problem with a move to give women who chose to install ‘non-original equipment’ in their bodies a tax break. On implants inserted for cosmetic purposes a 5.6 percent sales tax is imposed.

The line that distinguishes cosmetic breast augmentation from reconstructive breast surgery is a fine one. Breast surgeries for corrective reasons include breast implant surgery performed for those who have lost a breast or both breasts due to cancerous outgrowths in the breast region.

A reconstructive surgery for correcting misaligned breasts might even be argued to be a cosmetic procedure as the outcome is to improve the appearance of the breasts.

One argument claims it unfair to tax surgery of any kind since it is a medical service that is requested and paid for. As medical practitioners perform plastic surgery procedures like breast augmentation, it is argued that the revenue departments do not have to tax them.

Currently, insurance companies do not view breast augmentation as a medical necessity and obtaining a loan or medical insurance for this procedure is a difficult process. At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California, experienced consultants can help determine the difference between corrective breast augmentation and cosmetic breast enhancement.

Visit our advanced surgical institute to know more.

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