As much as Kim Kardashian and the rest of Hollywood’s buxom-chested beauties are closely followed for their iconic mummeries, Kiera Knightley and the likes of Hillary Swank are known for their lack of them; and are admired for keeping it so. Actually, they do have sizeable bosoms on them, but the presence is not as in-your-face as the former group.
Actresses like Kiera Knightley, Hillary Swank and Gwyneth Paltrow are a rare breed of women in an industry where it is natural to be fastidious about lifestyle indicators like pet gym memberships, plastic surgery procedure count and designer maternity wear. Kiera Knightley however admits that she does face some consternation over her assets from film directors with her being required to choose doubles for her derriere as well.
For her movie Pirates of the Caribbean, Knightley’s role required her to look the part of a buxom lady-pirate, a feat achieved by an almost dying ‘art’ form of Hollywood make-up, the bosom make-up.
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