Zero in to Cameroon, a country in Africa, where young teenage girls are pounded mercilessly on their breasts with hot pestles, coconut shells and assorted material. This practice, known as breast ironing, is done in the name of tradition and protection from the roaming eyes of men.
About 50 percent of young girls in Africa suffer from this depressing practice and a lot of them come out from it scarred for life- both emotionally as well as physically. Medical experts have determined that such severe modification of the breast tissue can lead to breast cancer and cyst formation.
Zero in to California, a state in North America, where young teenage girls get gifted a set of new breasts for their high school graduation. This practice, known as breast augmentation, is done in the name of social acceptance and is seen as an indicator of physical beauty.
About 35 percent of young girls in America gladly go in for a breast augmentation procedure and while some of them come satisfied with their new bodies, some are filled with a need for more surgery. Medical experts have determined that breast augmentation in teenage girls can lead to complications in the future as the breast tissue is yet developing and changing.
Two different cultures and two different ways to look at a blooming, blossoming young body. The human body is meant to grow naturally during the developing stage of adolescence.
If you are troubled about your young teenage daughter’s wish for a breast augmentation procedure, contact the Plastic Surgery Institute of California. We can help you and provide you with unbiased information.
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