Friday, February 29, 2008

Areolar Reduction:

The nipple is actually divided into two parts: the nipple, which projects out and the areola or the dark pigmented skin that surrounds the projection. A small segment of women have nipples that are enlarged more than the normal size.

The reasons for this are usually genetic with breastfeeding and pregnancy counted as secondary factors. Enlarged nipples can be rather embarrassing for most women, especially when they wearing form-fitting clothes.

But women are not alone in facing this dilemma; men are known to exhibit large nipples as well. Sometimes it may be a result of gynecomastia and at times the condition could be simply genetic.

For both sexes, nipple reduction or areolar reduction cosmetic surgery procedures are available, which significantly reduce the size of the nipples to get them in proportion with the rest of the breast.

A nipple reduction surgery is usually performed on an out-patient basis and can be wrapped up within an hour. It can also be performed as a supplementary procedure to breast reduction, breast augmentation or a breast lift surgery.

The recovery period is not very long for a nipple reduction surgery, though it might take a while if combined with another cosmetic breast surgery procedure. You can visit the Plastic Surgery Institute of California to know more about your options for an areolar reduction surgery.

Milk Production And Breast Surgery:

Plastic surgeons discourage women who wish to have a child and breastfeed in the future from having a breast reduction surgery. This is mainly because of the major alterations in skin and breast tissue that are involved in this surgery.

Plastic surgery has advanced enough in recent years to ensure the breastfeeding abilities of a woman. Techniques that preserve the milk-producing tissue are being reviewed and incorporated in breast reduction procedures and other surgeries like breast augmentation, breast lifts and even mastectomies and nipple reconstructions.

It is important to preserve the state of the milk ducts in a cosmetic breast surgery procedure besides protecting the nerves that affect the release of milk as well. If damaged, these ducts and nerves can be regenerated with the help of procedures like recanalization and reinnervation respectively.

In case the generation of milk and its release is reduced after a breast surgery, there is help for women. The Breast Feeding After Reduction (BFAR) website is an information and support portal for parents and mothers who wish to beast-feed after a breast reduction surgery.

If you wish to have a breast surgery and retain the ability to breastfeed your child, we can help you with a cosmetic surgery procedure that can suit you. Visit us at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California.

Are You In Need Of Some Serious Under-sizing?

Most reports of women who have large breasts state problems that range from the minor to debilitating. Bras that don’t seem to fit, clothes that are king-sized, skin irritation and rash, neck, shoulder and back pain, stretched, ugly looking areolas, stretched skin and a host of other problems plague women who are largely ‘endowed’.

In light of these physical problems, large breasts are hardly a blessing for this group of women. Compared to the number of women who would do anything for augmented breasts, breast reduction patients are a rather glaring contradiction.

From the standpoint of a mastectomy performed to treat breast cancer, plastic surgeons recommend a breast reduction procedure to get the breast that is unaffected in symmetry with the operated breast.

Like breast surgery of any kind, plastic surgeons advise patients to have a breast reduction surgery only after the breast tissue has stopped developing. Women who wish to have babies and breast-feed are absolutely discouraged from having a breast reduction surgery.

The decision to have a breast reduction surgery is an important one and can help improve the physical and psychological health of the woman. But it is important to discuss with your physician or plastic surgeon the health requirements that are necessary for a breast lift plastic surgery.

Visit the Plastic Surgery Institute of California for expert advice and consultation for a breast reduction surgery.

Why Breast Lifts?

Simply because women, who are according to the standards set by beauty – ‘past their prime’, desire to look and feel young again. The wonderful part about a breast lift surgery is the pert and toned contours that breasts embody post-surgery.

A breast lift cosmetic procedure is not a surgery exclusively for older women however. Younger women, especially new mothers, and women who have small breasts are known to have a breast lift surgery as well.

Even then, plastic surgeons recommend a breast lift surgery only after the breasts have completed developing. Factors like pregnancy and breast-feeding are known to have a different effect on the shape of the breasts.

Breast lift surgery can also reduce the size of the areola as the procedure displaces the nipple from its previous position. The incisions made by the cosmetic surgeon are along the original contours of the breasts and removes the unwanted skin. The surrounding skin is then pulled down and the areola and nipples are lifted up.

At times, a breast lift surgery is supplemented by a breast augmentation surgery. Cosmetic surgeons insert silicone implants in the breast tissue to get breasts back in symmetry and prevent them from sagging.

The breast lift surgical procedure is purely cosmetic in nature and is included in the body contouring procedures that plastic surgeons devise for a complete body makeover. To know more about the breast lift surgery and its suitability for you, visit the Plastic Surgery Institute of California.

Nipple Reconstruction – An Overview:

Most women feel completely restored from a breast reconstruction only after a nipple reconstruction. Doctors perform this procedure as a final step in reconstructive breast surgery mainly because the reconstructed nipple cannot be shifted later.

Surgeons make use of an assortment of techniques to reconstruct nipples. Intra-dermal tattooing, flaps using local tissue and skin or cartilage grafting are some of these techniques. Plastic surgeons suggest delaying nipple reconstruction till the body has adjusted to the reconstructed breast.

A common complaint of nipple reconstruction is the decrease in projection and flattening of the nipple over time. This causes some people to go in for secondary procedures at times.

There are non-surgical nipple options available for patients as well with nipple prostheses that can be custom-made. Such nipple prostheses are created in a mould to match the nipple of the other breast and can be stuck on the reconstructed breast. The prostheses are made of silicone.

Plastic surgery is not a frippery as the media makes it out to be, especially not when it can help women fight the battle against breast cancer. Reconstructive breast surgery has helped a lot of women get back to their normal life with their head held high.

You can visit the Plastic Surgery Institute of California for any advice and cosmetic procedures like breast reconstruction, breast augmentation and breast reduction.

Techniques Of Breast Reconstruction:

A breast reconstruction surgery is performed using one of three main techniques:

m Breast implants

m Tissue expansion

m Tissue reconstruction

Due to the complexity of the procedure neither of the breast reconstruction techniques related above can be completed in one operation. The main influencing factors for breast reconstruction involve the amount of breast tissue that has been removed during the mastectomy, the body size and the personal preferences of the patient.

Women who are heavy smokers, diabetics, obese and/or have had radiotherapy are completely unsuitable for a plastic surgery procedure like breast reconstruction. After a screening procedure, the plastic surgeon determines the breast reconstruction technique that is suitable for the patient.

While breast implants are preferred by most women due to the comparatively short procedure, tissue expansion is recommended by most plastic surgeons. It involves inserting an implant in the pectoral muscle which has been expanded deliberately for a period of time.

Tissue expansion is a gradual process and it can take several months to complete the procedure. Breast tissue reconstruction is the most complex procedure from the three reconstruction techniques and involves transferring a section of skin, muscle, fat and blood vessels from other parts of the body to the chest region.

Make sure your plastic surgeon informs you about the different techniques of breast reconstruction and discusses the one best suited for you. Visit the Plastic Surgery Institute of California for more help.

After Conquering The Breast Cancer Devil:

A mastectomy or a lumpectomy is a harrowing experience in itself for women who have been victims of cancer. It is impossible to emerge unscathed from a struggle with breast cancer. The psychological and physical ramifications last long after the surgery.

One way surgeons have devised to get women back to a semblance of their pre-cancer life is a breast reconstruction plastic surgery. The main aim of a breast reconstruction is to use the patient’s own body tissues to construct a new breast. Plastic surgeons achieve this using fat deposits, muscle tissue and skin from the abdomen, buttock or the thigh regions.

Some cases of breast reconstruction plastic surgery require the use of synthetic material like breast implants to build the breast tissue. Using a combination of implants and inherent tissues is not uncommon for a breast reconstruction surgery.

The reconstructive surgery can be either performed during the cancer surgery or it can be performed after the patient has recovered sufficiently. Most surgeons prefer a breast reconstruction procedure during a cancer surgery.

The newly reconstructed breasts will be different from the old breasts and more than one procedure is often necessary before a more natural looking form can be achieved. Sensation in the breast area will also change after a breast reconstruction.

The battle against cancer is not easy and banishing it completely can be more difficult. You can visit the Plastic Surgery Institute of California for honest consultation and advice.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Reasons Behind Gynecomastia:

You never might have imagined that lavender and tea tree oils could be the reason for prepubertal gynecomastia. But the researchers at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) do believe it to be very likely.

The study found these essential oils to be similar to the female hormone estrogen, countering the effects of male androgens. In a way, this study simply compounds the observations of medical experts who hold the hormonal imbalance that boys undergo during puberty to be responsible for gynecomastia.

Such imbalances cause the breast tissue to grow under the nipples in the male body. Some cases of prepubertal gynecomastia naturally lose the breast tissue while some are affected well into adulthood.

About 50 percent of gynecomastia cases in grown males are found to be the result of perpubertal gynecomastia. Medical reasons are counted in this margin as well with the side-effects of certain medicines held to be triggering factors.

Drugs and anabolic steroids are other reasons for occurrences of gynecomastia among adult males. Tumors, hyperthyroidism and chronic kidney diseases form the other reasons.

If you have excess male tissue as a result of any of the above reasons, you are not alone. Every year 14,000 men face the plastic surgeon for getting rid of excess male breast tissue. Visit the Plastic Surgery Institute of California for more information on dealing with gynecomastia.

Breast Ironing And Breast Augmentation:

Zero in to Cameroon, a country in Africa, where young teenage girls are pounded mercilessly on their breasts with hot pestles, coconut shells and assorted material. This practice, known as breast ironing, is done in the name of tradition and protection from the roaming eyes of men.

About 50 percent of young girls in Africa suffer from this depressing practice and a lot of them come out from it scarred for life- both emotionally as well as physically. Medical experts have determined that such severe modification of the breast tissue can lead to breast cancer and cyst formation.

Zero in to California, a state in North America, where young teenage girls get gifted a set of new breasts for their high school graduation. This practice, known as breast augmentation, is done in the name of social acceptance and is seen as an indicator of physical beauty.

About 35 percent of young girls in America gladly go in for a breast augmentation procedure and while some of them come satisfied with their new bodies, some are filled with a need for more surgery. Medical experts have determined that breast augmentation in teenage girls can lead to complications in the future as the breast tissue is yet developing and changing.

Two different cultures and two different ways to look at a blooming, blossoming young body. The human body is meant to grow naturally during the developing stage of adolescence.

If you are troubled about your young teenage daughter’s wish for a breast augmentation procedure, contact the Plastic Surgery Institute of California. We can help you and provide you with unbiased information.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Not-So-Humble Bra:

The piece of women’s clothing known as a bra has come a long way from making the U.S. War Industries Board request women to stop wearing metal-rich corsets to reduce metal consumption to the bra-burning days of women’s lib.

Women all over the world have a lot of people to be thankful for as the history of this much-hidden but very supportive garment has been rather colorful. The ancient civilization of Crete is held to be the original birthplace of the bra with its women wearing something like it to support their breasts.

The early bras gave away to the very restrictive and uncomfortable corsets, which alternatively down-played and pushed-up the female breasts depending on the ways of the times. Numerous innovations and innovators later, the bra coalesced into its present form and family of variations.

Today, medical researchers recommend women to wear a bra all the time so that the breasts have adequate support. Without proper support, the breasts can sag and appear un-toned.

Even after a breast surgery like breast augmentation, plastic surgeons recommend patients investing in special support bras or a compression garment. Doing so has been observed to improve blood circulation, minimize post-surgery swelling, flush out harmful fluids from the body and reduce the recovery time.

Compression garments prevent newly formed scars from stretching as well. Recovering from a breast augmentation procedure or a breast surgery is a long process which can only be speeded by following the post-surgery advice relayed by your plastic surgeon.

Visit the Plastic Surgery Institute of California for more information on breast surgery and the recovery process.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

A Breast Implant In The Calf:

There are some things that are believed to be simply impossible, like the mythological floods, the ban on firearms for U.S. civilians and the insertion of breast implants in the calf.

Come again you say, breast implants in the leg? Now that’s something that sounds completely implausible. But Lane Jensen has gone ahead and done just that. He got silicone breast implants inserted into a tattoo of a buxom girl on his calf to make the effect look more ‘3D’.

But Lane is not the only one to have something like this done on his body. There is an entire culture out there that swears by body modifications. Tattoo artists and body modification artists are the main propagators of this bizarre art from.

From devilish horns in the temple to star shaped sternum Teflon implants and spikes in the scalp, they do it all and on practically any part of the anatomy. Most body modification artists recommend these physical alterations only for those who are aware of the risks involved.

And the risks involved are rather considerable and somewhat similar to regular plastic surgery implants. Needless to say, Jensen’s silicone calf implants were rejected by his body and had to be taken out after lymphatic ooze came pouring out of the incision.

While as an art form body modifications are to be respected, it is necessary that people understand the risks involving modifications like Teflon or silicone implants. It can get rather ugly when they turn back on you.

Visit the Plastic Surgery Institute of California for more advice and help on breast implants made of silicone gel or saline solution.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Endowment And Its Strange Appeal:

As much as Kim Kardashian and the rest of Hollywood’s buxom-chested beauties are closely followed for their iconic mummeries, Kiera Knightley and the likes of Hillary Swank are known for their lack of them; and are admired for keeping it so. Actually, they do have sizeable bosoms on them, but the presence is not as in-your-face as the former group.

Actresses like Kiera Knightley, Hillary Swank and Gwyneth Paltrow are a rare breed of women in an industry where it is natural to be fastidious about lifestyle indicators like pet gym memberships, plastic surgery procedure count and designer maternity wear. Kiera Knightley however admits that she does face some consternation over her assets from film directors with her being required to choose doubles for her derriere as well.

For her movie Pirates of the Caribbean, Knightley’s role required her to look the part of a buxom lady-pirate, a feat achieved by an almost dying ‘art’ form of Hollywood make-up, the bosom make-up.

For the rest of us non-celebrities there is breast surgery that we can look forward to for breast enhancement. Procedures like breast reductions, breast augmentation, breast lifts and other breast surgery procedures can be performed by plastic surgeons at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California.

Visit us at any of our offices in California for exclusive consultation services that are handled by veterans of plastic surgery. If it is an enhanced pair of breasts that you want, we can help you out.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Who Will Pay For Your Boob Job?

Let’s face it, cosmetic surgery treatments like a breast augmentation or a liposuction procedure can be expensive. There are no two ways about it and you will have to convince the bank that you are having a surgery because it is going to save you from a health risk before they decide to give you a loan.

While reconstructive cosmetic surgery procedures that can help you correct or remove a health risk do enjoy financial assistance, treatments and surgeries that are purely cosmetic in nature and purpose find no such relief. So you may hope for help to correct ear deformities in your child, but you can forget about similar help for the boob job that you so desperately want.

This is where mommies and young women both, turn to methods like online sponsors and beauty contests. There are online cosmetic surgery sites that are barely short of an adult social network and there are retail promotions that run contests with a breast surgery or some other cosmetic surgery procedure as the reward.

Due to issues of patient safety standards and surgeon credibility it is better to steer clear of such attractions. Entrusting an important decision like plastic surgery to a stranger you met online or the whims of lady luck is a bad idea. What do you do when a major complication arises?

Visit the Plastic Surgery Institute of California and we can help you if you are facing a financial dilemma and yet desire a plastic surgery. Our experienced consultants can help you find an agreeable solution.

What To Do When Your Sack Of Joy Ruptures:

Contact your doctor.

Medical experts suggest removing a breast implant completely in case of a rupture, especially if the implant is silicone gel filled. This gel has a nasty tendency to seep into the breast tissue and harm it. It is also known to cause damage to the lungs and the lymph nodes.

If ruptured silicone gel filled breast implants are not removed in time, the patient will have to undergo a mastectomy to remove the entire breast tissue. There are chances of the body being prone to diseases and infections as well if a breast implant is damaged.

A ruptured breast implant can be detected by the patient in cases where the causes are accidental shock to the breast or regular stress on the breast. But there are cases where punctured breast implants are known to pass notice if they are old or if there is an accidental cut during the breast augmentation surgery.

The symptoms of a ruptured implant can be isolated to a certain extent and include a decrease in the breast implant size, tenderness, numbness, lumps, breast rash, chest pain, etc.

It is best to have a mammogram or even better, an ultrasound or an MRI to confirm a rupture. For this you have to get in touch with a doctor or your plastic surgeon. If your plastic surgeon is unsatisfactory you can get in touch with us at the Plastic Surgery of California to help you out.

Possible Surgery Complication – Capsular Contracture:

Plastic surgeons and medical experts always stress on the fact that surgery of any kind is not without a certain amount of risk. In the case of a surgery to enhance the breast using breast implants, the surgeon ascertains that the patient is made aware of the nature of a beast augmentation surgery and the complications involved.

In the course of the consultation and examination process, plastic surgeons relate capsular contracture as a possible complication that might take place post-surgery. At least 16 percent of breast surgery patients are said to exhibit capsular contracture according to an Inamed survey. The FDA describes this occurrence as a tightening of the scar tissue that is supposed to form around the breast implant.

Capsular contracture may occur in either or both the inserted implants. The implant is squeezed as a result of this condition, making it very painful and uncomfortable for the patient. A four grade system known as Baker grades is used by plastic surgeons for determining the severity of this condition.

Grades III and IV especially require a re-operation with a capsulectomy (complete removal of the capsule) as the best solution. As a capsulotomy (removal of scar formation by cutting off the capsule) causes the problem to persist, complete removal of the layers of collagen along with the capsule on which they occur is the better course to take.

Remember, breast implants are not permanent and do not suit everyone. Your plastic surgeon will be able to guide best for a breast augmentation surgery using silicone or saline filled implants.

You can visit the Plastic Surgery Institute of California for more information and expert consultation.

Nothing Lasts Forever:

The pursuit of happiness is a life-long quest and the pursuit of beauty often crosses paths with it. Plastic surgery does the best it can to let these two roads converge smoothly.

The human body is a complex entity, often rejecting or prolonging adaptation of those elements which are foreign to it regardless of the benefits they may have. Breast implants that are made of silicone too face this obstacle more often then not.

While they have been approved for medical use by the Food and Drug Association (FDA), they do have a limited period of use. Carol Ciancutti-Levya, director of an anti-implant documentary states that breast implants may last for less than ten years or for more than ten years.

There are even chances of the implants rupturing over time and changing position, which is why experienced plastic surgeons inform their patients about the complications and risks involved before-hand. Patients are required to sign the documents for a breast surgery only after they fully understand the risks involved.

The two manufacturers of breast implants, Allergan Inc. and Mentor Corp. even offer a 10 year replacement guarantee for breast implants and discharge a part of the surgical fees.

Such precautions and high safety standards are relieving as they give the patient a good idea of what is involved in a breast enhancement procedure. Based upon the warnings and risks involved, they can make a decision.

We can help you if you want an honest and through diagnosis for a breast augmentation surgery. The Plastic Surgery Institute of California follows high standards of service and treatment.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Signs Of A Bad Boob Job:

Breast implant manufacturer Mentor Corp. agree that choosing the right breast size may very well be the most difficult decision that breast augmentation patients make. Plastic surgeons only advise patients who have adequate breast tissue mass to go ahead with a breast implant surgery.

The presence of adequate breast tissue is thus very important for a successful breast augmentation and a satisfactory breast shape. If this requirement is not met, there is nothing that the cosmetic surgeon can do to prevent the edges of the implant from showing against the skin.

And this is something you really wouldn’t want. Think Jade Goody. Her implants are highlighted too starkly against her skin.

Bigger, rounder breasts for some reason find a lot of takers among petite framed women but they fare rather bad for the body. Big breast implants are often inserted for such small-framed women making the skin stretch unnaturally over the underlying tissue.

Irregular scarring as a result of a combined breast lift and breast augmentation procedure is often observed among patients. There is a possibility of the tissue rippling or denting which makes such scarring even more pronounced.

While such breast implant problems are not uncommon, they can be prevented to a large extent if your breast surgery doctor knows his job well and is certified by an accredited board of plastic surgery like the ASPS.

The cosmetic surgeons at the Plastic Surgery of California can help you in your decision to get a breast enhancement surgery.

Creams For Boosting Busts:

Late last year, Reuters published a news piece on the increasing popularity of breast lift creams among Asian women. These ‘breast enhancement’ creams are viewed by a majority of slender-framed Asian women to resurrect their flat bustlines. The financial officer of a distributor of breast creams even claimed to sell more than one million boxes per year.

Regardless of the fact that breast implants and other plastic surgery for the breast enjoy immense popularity in the South Korea, Hong Kong and Singapore markets, women seem to prefer less expensive and non-invasive breast creams.

The FDA, the regulating body in the U.S. for health products, frowns on these breast enhancement creams. According to the researchers at the FDA, “At best, devices promoted as breast developers merely strengthen and develop the muscles that support the breasts, and exercising these muscles will not really increase breast size.”

Breast implants that are used for breast enhancement and breast augmentation are however approved by the FDA. Made of silicone, these breast implants are known to last for ten years in some cases.

While a breast augmentation surgery is by no means a simple and risk-free procedure, it is an approved and safer method for breast enhancement. Health experts discourage the use of breast enhancement creams and lotions as they are known to contain phytoestrogens which can prove very harmful for women prone to particular types of breast cancer.

It’s your body; do not let it fall prey to false promises of enhancing it. Visit the Plastic Surgery Institute of California for breast augmentation surgery.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Husband Unhappy With Jordan’s Breasts:

Breast augmentation reversal is highlighted in a yet another story about a high-profile celebrity plastic surgery. The infamous model, Jordan aka Katie Price, wants to have another breast surgery just to please her husband, yesteryear music poster boy Peter Andre.

Jordan had a breast augmentation surgery earlier which gave her massive 34 GG breasts. The big size understandably gave her much discomfort and she blamed them for ‘ruining’ her sex life with her husband. Her breasts apparently hang too low when standing and are even worse when lying down.

Stories like these are enough to make people think twice before going in for a breast augmentation surgery or breast reduction surgery. But there is one important factor that plastic surgery hopefuls should pay attention to.

The cosmetic surgeon that you choose to perform the breast enhancement surgery has to be completely trustworthy. The right breast size can be determined only through proper communication between patients and doctors.

In the course of your consultation, you will also be informed by your plastic surgeon that breast enhancement does not directly influence sexual activity; it is a matter of perception.

You can visit the Plastic Surgery Institute of California for breast augmentation surgery procedures that are explained well before being performed. While perfect results cannot be guaranteed by any surgeon, we guarantee perfect transparency in our diagnosis. You will not be left out on any detail or information regarding your body and the desired surgery.

Selecting The Right Breast Size:

Thirty four patients who have a breast augmentation re-operation do so just because they want to change the size of their breast implants; they usually end up getting bigger ones.

The breast size always involves some amount of confusion for a woman, with a lot of women wearing the wrong bra most often then not. Therefore, it is important to choose the right implant size before having a breast augmentation surgery.

Traditionally, breast implants are measured in cubic centimeters or cc, which denote the volume of the implant, not the length, height or width. There are three breast implant profiles, high, moderate and low – depending upon how much the shell projects from the chest wall.

The breast implants that are currently available come in a teardrop shape and a round shape. The teardrop breast implant is prone to rotating itself if there is rigorous movement on the breast area. The round breast implant shape is the preferred shape for most women as it gives a uniform appearance and appears more voluminous.

One important factor to remember is that breast implants are always bigger when held against the body. Once inserted, they are actually twenty percent smaller. Surgeons generally gauge the desired breast size by asking patients to place different sized implants in a bra.

A woman’s height and weight, the distance between the collar bone and her nipple and the ribcage size are all supplementary factors that help a plastic surgeon assess the breast implant size. You can visit the Plastic Surgery Institute of California for more information about breast implants and breast augmentation procedures.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Breast Enhancement Through Periareolar Incisions:

Breast augmentation using periareolar incisions are very similar to a mastopexy procedure, as the area for incision is the same, namely, the areola. Making an incision under the areola gives the plastic surgeon better access to the underlying breast tissue reducing the surgery time for the patient as well as the doctor.

Saline breast implants can be used for women of any body size, but silicone breast implants are recommended for women who have a larger areola. The periareolar incision makes it easy for the cosmetic surgeon to hide the surgery scar as well, due to the different color and texture of the areolar skin.

However, there are certain drawbacks which a patient has to evaluate with their doctor during consultation. One of the main reasons for concern over this type of breast augmentation procedure is the possible damage that may be caused to the nerves or glands in the breast area.

A nerve ending getting damaged in a periareolar breast augmentation procedure can directly affect breastfeeding. Patients are also known to experience reduced sensation in the nipple, in some cases numbing them completely.

A periareolar breast augmentation procedure needs to be discussed with a certified and experienced cosmetic surgeon. It is a major surgery and for all the ease with which it can be solved by an experienced plastic surgeon, it is one of the more popular plastic surgery procedures.

Visit the Plastic Surgery Institute of California at Orange County for more expert advice on periareolar breast implants.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Young Spears’ Plastic Surgery Adventures:

There’s always fodder for gossip coming out from the Spears’ family stables. The troubled singer seems to have bagged a permanent space in all the gossip rags ever she stepped into the limelight as a young performer.

The latest story doing the rounds is her alleged breast surgery when she was a mere teenager. Apparently her mother Lynne Spears was in on this shenanigan. The controversy took off with her posing for an explicit 1999 Rolling Stones cover. The same magazine claimed that she had her breast surgery reversed when her natural breast tissue started filling out.

Stories like Spears are not uncommon however. There are quite a number of young girls and boys who get their parents take them to a plastic surgeon just to be part of the ‘in’ crowd.

It is not advisable to have a plastic surgery performed for cosmetic reasons on a yet growing body. Surgeries like breast augmentations, rhinoplasty, cheek implants, Botox®, etc. are best done after the body has got past the puberty stage.

Surgery of any kind is never to be taken lightly, whether it is performed on adults or on young adults. The Plastic Surgery Institute of California in Orange County, Los Angeles and Pasadena follows stringent practices for cosmetic surgery of any kind.