Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Male Chest Enhancement Plan:

Presenting… the chest enhancement plastic surgery procedure that will bequeath you less endowed men with a chest that you can crack nuts on (or at least look like you can crack nuts on it).

The procedure is a diversion of female breast enhancement surgery and is known as pectoral implant surgery. This particular cosmetic surgery augments the form and size of the pectoral muscles which are usually pumped up as a result of heavy pectoral exercises.

Men who struggle to build up this part of their body via exercise but cannot do so are usually champions of pectoral implant surgery. But before you get all excited men, it would be better to inform you that this male breast augmentation surgery can only give your chest a toned look. The procedure does not add to the muscle mass in any way.

The surgery gives the existing muscles a toned, enhanced look. For patients with congenital defects or loss of muscle in an accident or injury, the pectoral implant procedure can often reproduce a natural, even and symmetrical chest area.

Top plastic surgeons at our advanced surgical institute generally perform this cosmetic surgery using the endoscopic technique. Lasting anywhere between one to two hours, the male breast augmentation procedure uses silicone implants that conform to male body contours. You can find out more about them at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California.

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